Crossfit 11 November, 2012

I’ve been going to Crossfit Moxie since the end of August, but I only recently decided to get the WOD (workout of the day) blog posts on my RSS reader.  I like not knowing before I show up what the workout is going to be, but I also like to be prepared if the workout happens to be one that requires special equipment.

It turns out that adding the WOD posts to my reader was a good idea.  Today, we practiced rope climbs and double unders, and even though I’m not very good at either of them, I was glad I wore long socks.

I’m so close to being able to do a double under, but I still haven’t quite been able to put together the full wind-up for the jump, moving the rope quickly, and at the right time.  I’m going to keep trying, though.

Today’s WOD was:

  • 4 minutes burpees
  • 1 minute rest
  • 4 minutes double unders
  • 1 minute rest
  • 4 minutes maximum distance run
  • 1 minute rest
  • 4 minutes rope climbs
  • 1 minute rest
  • 4 minutes max distance bike

We divided up into groups, and my group started with the rope climbs.  Since I can’t actually do a rope climb, the recommended modification was to lay on the ground, pull myself up to standing with the rope, and then lower back down.

For the run, we ran out to the 100m mark at the end of the Moxie building, then ran back to the start line.  We were allowed to count all increments of 50m that we’d finished by the end of the time.

My score was:

18 burpees / 0 double unders / 500m run / 15 modified rope climbs / 2031m bike