August Pull Up Challenge Day 2 and Back Squat PR

Day 2 of the challenge is Ring Rows at a  “31X2” tempo, 6-8 reps x 4 sets; rest 1-2min between sets.  The tempo is explained this way:

’3′ is the lowering portion; ’1′ is the hold at the bottom; ‘X’ means explode up; ’2′ is the hold at the end of the movement. So from the starting position pull chest thru the rings then pause for 2 sec, lower for 3 sec and pause for 1 sec before you repeat. You will do 6-8 reps at this tempo!

I did 4 sets with 6 reps in each.

Another part of today’s workout was to find our 1 rep max for Back Squats.  My last recorded 1RM was 145#.  I blasted that out of the water today, and lifted 173#.  I’m fairly certain I could have gone higher if I’d wanted, but I decided that ending on a high note (nearly 30# over my previous PR!!!) was good enough.

Major thanks to Ellen and her Mobility classes on this one — my squats have gotten worlds better since she showed me how to properly activate everything when squatting.